Aero Poxnan - European Cirrus Simulation Center
Poznan, Poland
Learn to fly Cirrus Aircraft in Europe´s first full motion Simulator Center! Train for your license in Cirrus aircraft!
Simulation training is a practical and safe way for you to log hours toward your certification or recurrency training. Whether you are a new pilot preparing to take your first flight, an experienced pilot who wishes to upgrade to Cirrus flying or a Cirrus pilot looking for advanced recurrent training, take advantage of this unique opportunity to walk before you run.
In the Cirrus Aircraft SIM you have a real Cirrus Perspective cockpit with all the active functions, including a Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS ) handle, allowing you to train as you would in an actual plane. But even better, in the SIM cockpit you can train for all the dangerous situations such as those that would cause you to deploy CAPSyou want to be prepared for, and hope to never find yourself in.
Our European Cirrus SIM Center offers you focused, full motion training packages, that will help you in any areas of flying that you wish to master. All the trainings may also be tailored made for you, depending on your specific needs.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Poznan International Airport (EPPO), GA Terminal
Poznan 60-189
+48 (0) 61 847 47 73
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