Air Associates of Kansas
Olathe, Kansas
Air Associates can help. We are a Cessna Pilot Center, a specially selected flight school that offers the highest level of top quality flight training, including:
- Sport, Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial, Multi-Engine, CFI, CFII, & ATP ratings
- FAA Accredited 141 Flight School (Reduces your required hours for some ratings significantly)
- Interactive, computer based instruction and testing
- Flight training in top of the line Cessna aircraft, including the 162 Skycatcher &172 Skyhawk, the world´s most popular flight training aircraft
- Clean, quiet study areas and classrooms
- Full-motion RedbirdSimulator (can simulate 172, G1000 172, G1000 206, & Twin-engine Beechcraft Baron)
Additionally, as a Cessna Pilot Center, we are supported by Cessna, the world´s largest manufacturer of flight training aircraft. More people have trained in Cessna aircraft than any other. Most important, you will find out that flying is FUN, and rewarding. And, you will love the customer service and warm hospitable atmosphere at Air Associates. We love flying, and we want to pass that on to you. Check out our Flight Training Specials!!
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Johnson County Executive Airport
Olathe, KS 66062
United States
+1 (913) 764-4800
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