Cape Town Flight Training Centre
Durbanville, South Africa
Professional flight training for pilots, right on the border of Cape Town International airport and the general training areas, witha 2 minute airborne time to GFA and no local delays to start training. We have a personalized approach to suit each student with well maintained aircraft, and a very safe training aerodrome with wide runway surfaces and level rural surrounds.
We offer pilot training for:
We offer pilot training for:
- Private License (PPL)
- Night Rating (NR)
- Commercial License (CPL)
- Instrument Rating (IF)
- Instructor Rating
- License revalidations and foreign validations
- FNPT1 Simulator on site
- Accredited PPL, NR and Instructors Rating exam centre (3 stations)
- Cessna 150 (2-seater)
- Diamond DA20-C1 Eclipse (2-seater)
- Piper Warrior (4-seater)
- Piper Arrow II ( (4-seater complex single used for COM testing)
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Fisantekraal Airfield
Durbanville 7560
South Africa
+27 (0) 8444-07922
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