Centennial Flight Centre

Edmonton, Alberta


All the staff at Centennial pride themselves for providing a level of service and training that is second to none. From the first visit when a potential pilot is trying to decide where to enroll, our people take the time to listen, conduct a tour of the school and our facilities and provide the information that is needed. And that same welcoming, appreciative attitude continues throughout a student´s flight training. Although all our Instructors push students to be the best they can be, they are also supportive and adept at tailoring instruction to best work for each individual´s personality and learning style.

Our aircraft are extremely well maintained and rarely is there training delays due to maintenance issues. Any unavoidable delays are dealt with promptly and every effort is made to minimize the impact on any student´s training progress.

All flight schools offer the same basic training as mandated by Transport Canada, but Centennial offers service and instruction that is head and shoulders above the rest.

Aviation Training Facilities


Flight School - Fixed Wing

Programs & Courses

Private Pilot LicenseCommercial Pilot LicenseFlight Instructor (CFI / FI)Instrument Rating (IR)Multi-Engine RatingNight Rating
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Accepts students from Virginia
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Location Map

Villeneuve, AB
Edmonton, Alberta T8T0E3


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