Helicentre Aviation - Bournemouth
Christchurch, United Kingdom
Helicentre Aviation specialises in private and professional helicopter pilot training including flight instructor ratings. Helicentre Aviation also provides charter services and other commercial work. Helicentre Aviation also has bases at Leicester and Blackpool.
Whether you’re looking to get your PPL(H) or train to be a professional pilot, or you simply want to experience helicopter flight, we have something to suit every budget and occasion.
Helicentre trains pilots up to commercial level and helps them to break into the industry, offering light charter and commercial work to the new pilot. Add an instructor rating and the work available increases on a big scale as we are always looking for new instructors to work at our various locations in the UK. Contact us to find out more.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Bournemouth International Airport
Christchurch BH23 6NE
United Kingdom
+44 (0)2476 511 615
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