Pannon Air Services
Budapest, Hungary
Fly all around Hungary...
+100 airfields and strips to fly in a range of 1,5 hours
- PPL - self study, 12 hrs classroom consultation, 45 flight hours 6 999 € (includes LHTL landing fees)
- CPL 25 hrs practical training (DIAMOND DA/DV-20 Katana Beechcraft B24R 5 hrs) 3 599 € including landing fees
- NVFR 5 hrs (DIAMOND DA-40) 1 499 € + landing fees
- ME VFR Differential Course Diamond DA-42 1.5 hrs FNPT II DA-42 2.5 hrs 1299 €
- SE IR (Single Engine Instrument Rating)
Diamond DA40 15 hrs
FNPT II 35 hrs
9 999 €
- ME IR (Multi Engine Instrument Rating)
FNPT II DA42 - 40 hrs
Diamond DA-42 - 15 hrs
11 999 €
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Tököl Airport
Budapest 2314
+36 70 3649002
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