Skyblue Aero Services Ltd
Sidmouth, United Kingdom
ATR 42/72 Type Rating Courses
We are a highly professional and flexible organisation specialising in the ATR series aircraft. We understand the aviation industry and pride ourselves on offering friendly and flexible service to our clients. Our reputation worldwide is second to none. Pilots trained by us are flying with airlines and government organisations on every continent.
Although the majority of our business is training for established airlines, we also welcome enquiries from low-hours, self-sponsoring pilots. However please note that we do not guarantee jobs at the end of our courses and we do not provide ´pay-for-line-flying´ programmes as we believe this is not in the long term interests of pilots or indeed the industry as a whole. Nor do we try to give potential trainees unrealistic expectations of employment. Instead we offer as much informal help as possible to graduates of our courses in their search for their first airline job.
If you would like to talk to us and receive an honest appraisal of both the merits and the risks of a self-sponsored type rating please call us or email us at the address shown on our website.
Aviation Training Facilities

Po Box 82
Sidmouth EX10 1BN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1395 567 022
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