Sunrise Aviation
Ormond Beach, Florida
Sunrise Aviation has trained pilots from all over the world during the past 26 years. We pride ourselves on providing quality flight instruction while giving each student individual attention. While holding our students and instructors to the highest safety standards, we finish our students on-time and within budget. To accomplish this, we maintain a low student to instructor ratio and as many aircraft as necessary to complete your training as promised. The exceptional flying weather in Central Florida permits VFR flying more than 350 days each year. Accelerated flight training is just a small part of the Sunrise package!
Whether it is accelerated professional pilot training, individual courses such as a private pilot course or instrument rating, or recurrency training, Sunrise Aviation is the place to go.
Why Choose Sunrise Aviation?
Individualized Instruction: Sunrise Aviation provides one on one instruction. Classroom instruction is done in small groups or one on one. We are ready to adapt to any of your instructional needs.
Stability: Sunrise Aviation has been in business longer than nearly all of our competitors. We have been in operation continuously for over 26 years.
Efficiency: Sunrise Aviation maintains enough aircraft and hires enough instructors to ensure that you can complete your flight training program on time. We have the largest fleet of C152s in Florida. We fuel and maintain our own aircraft. Our low instructor to student ratio ensures that you fly everyday.
Safety: Sunrise Aviation has one of the best safety records of any flight school in the world. We fly thousands of hours each year without incident. We promote safety in all aspects of our operation.
Location: Sunrise Aviation is located in Ormond Beach, Florida just north of Daytona Beach and on the Atlantic Ocean. Central Florida provides ideal year-round flying weather opportunity for leisure activities.
Quality: Sunrise Aviation has consistently high success rates on all exams. Our instructors are highly experienced with many career instructors on staff.
Communication: Sunrise Aviation’s management and staff are available on site to meet your needs and help quickly resolve any problems that might slow down your instruction.
International Students
Sunrise Aviation is approved by the US Department of Homeland Security to accept foreign students for flight training. In addition to our individual courses, we have created many flight-training packages designed specifically for the needs of our international students. Packages include the International BASIC Professional Pilot Course, International Professional Pilot I and International Professional Pilot II.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Ormond Beach Municipal Airport
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
United States
+1 (386) 677-5724
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