Western Air Flight Academy
Broomfield, Colorado
Welcome to Western Air Flight Academy-the premier flight-training center in Colorado. Conveniently located at Rocky Mountain Metro Airport in Broomfield, we offer a top quality training experience in a safe and welcoming environment. What makes us so special?
First, we are one of the few area training centers to qualify as a 14 CFR Part 141 flight school. This is an FAA Certified program that clearly outlines the scope and sequence of your flight training. By following this curriculum, you can move more quickly through all of your ratings and become a career pilot, if that is your goal. Cirrus aircraft are included in our Part 141 curriculums.
Second, We are the only Metro airport flight school with a Part 135 on demand charter certificate featuring our new 180 Kt CIRRUS SR-22 aircraft.
Our staff includes a former 747/767 Continental Airline Captain who can help you toward your goal of flying for the airlines. Western Air would like to welcome Pete Boldrin as our new Chief Pilot of the Flight School. He’s also Head CSIP of our Cirrus Training Center.
Howard McClure and Pete Boldrin both actively participate in Civil Air Patrol as Flight Instructors and Howard’s a Check Airman as well; both are Garmin G1000 qualified. Alex Toussaint has many years of survival training with the US Army and Civil Air Patrol as well as over 3,300 hours of flight experience in both single and multi engine aircraft.
The Western Air Staff represents just over 180 years and nearly 100,000 hours of flight experience. Drawing from our pool of experience helps you to shorten the average time it takes to get your pilot’s license. At Western Air Flight Academy, a top priority is the safety and reliability of our planes; we take the time and effort to be sure we exceed all safety standards.
Aviation Training Facilities
Programs & Courses

Rocky Mountain Metro Airport
Broomfield, CO 80021
United States
+1 (303) 466-6998
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